We joined the garden club a few years back never thinking that one day we would be Presidents! We are proud of what our members contribute to such a wide variety of projects that preserve, protect and restore the environment within our community in making our surroundings for this beautiful area that we call home. Our gardens do follow the seasons in which nature flourishes and grows, changes colors and prepares for the coming cold, hibernates and waits patiently, then bursts forth with new growth.
To some, winter is bland and boring. On the outside it may look like the trees are doing nothing, just standing there with no leaves on them and waiting for the snow to fall. But on the inside, there is strength that can only be found by weathering the winter. Some people say autumn is a season of decline and for some it could be little depressing. Autumn is a season of many changes, a season of colors, a season of eager anticipation for the incredible changes that lets you know winter is coming. And before you know it, the days start getting longer and finally spring has sprung. The season where plants start pushing up from the ground and leaves burst from the trees. Spring is a jump start growing season. A time of planting. Finally, summer arrives which seems like a season where things almost go on autopilot. The intense growth of springtime is over. A time to sit back and enjoy. A time to almost rest.
Our club rotates with the seasons. Once again, we are planning for Streamfest, 2023, in October. Then comes the winter wreath planning for our fundraiser that supports our scholarships. The plant sale in spring – so many plants from our members makes this fundraiser a great success. This garden club’s accomplishments are amazing. It reflects all garden club activities that have become “a momentum for furthering our interests in the environment and which instill the importance of making this a better world for everyone.”
Have you ever really thought about the changing of the seasons?
Teresa and Leiann
Have you ever really thought about the changing of the seasons?
Teresa and Leiann
Meet our 2023 - 2025 Officers
Co-Vice President - Pam Ehtee
Co-Vice President - Darlene Martin
Treasurer - Bev Dawson
Secretary - Linda Cooper
Membership - Wendy Blondin
Membership - Lindy Clevenger
Programs - Wendy Rae Johnson