Paintings by Valle Nevaril
Are you interested in:
the fine art of floral design...
flower &/or vegetable gardening...
learning new crafts...
beautifying the
city of Port Angeles...
fun and educational
field trips...
making new friends...
...Then this is the club for YOU!
75 members as of August 1, 2023
Organized 1934 Federated 1935
Business meetings are held the second Monday of each month,
September through June at 10:00am via Zoom.
General meetings are held the third Monday of the month, September through June at
First Presbyterian Church 139 W 8th Street Port Angeles WA (unless otherwise noted).
Social starts at 9:30am. Meetings start promptly at 10:00am.
Facebook: @portangelesgardenclub
National Garden Clubs Pacific Region Garden Clubs
Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs
Olympic Peninsula District
Olympic Peninsula Judges Council
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Port Angeles Garden Club is to support the mission of the National Garden Clubs, Inc and the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs with our many project and varied programs. Out aim is to promote gardening through the study of horticulture as well as landscape and floral designs.
As gardeners it is necessary for us to educate ourselves about conserving our environment and share
our knowledge with other. We do this to make our city a better place to live and to preserve the beauty
of the world around us.
As gardeners it is necessary for us to educate ourselves about conserving our environment and share
our knowledge with other. We do this to make our city a better place to live and to preserve the beauty
of the world around us.
Guiding Principles
The Port Angeles Garden Club does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry, disability, marital state, sexual
orientation or military state, in any of the activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to: selection of volunteers, outside club supporters (donors), and provider of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all member of our club, volunteers and invited guests.
orientation or military state, in any of the activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to: selection of volunteers, outside club supporters (donors), and provider of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all member of our club, volunteers and invited guests.
Conservation Pledge
I pledge to protect and conserve the natural resources of the planet Earth and promise to promote education so that we may be come caretaker of our air, water, forest, land, and wildlife.
Port Angeles Garden Club
Membership Application |